
The need for occlusal equilibration is usually diagnosed as part of therapy for TMJ Disorder patients. In occlusal equilibration the chewing surfaces of the teeth are reshaped.

This reshaping procedure has been found to be the solution form any conditions which can cause discomfort in the head, neck and shoulders and breakdown (such as excessive wear) of the dental structures. Occlusal restoration involves the replacement of missing teeth in addition to the reshaping procedures which eliminate high spots on the teeth, thus allowing the face and jaw muscles to relax. The patient who suffers from chronic headaches, facial pain, neck and shoulder pain originating from malocclusion (improper bite) can generally anticipate the greatest benefit following occlusal treatment. The overall goal is to promote maximum comfort and longevity of the natural teeth.

Will removing enamel promoted tooth decay? - Decay starts in areas that are difficult to cleanse such as the pits, the bottom of the grooves of the teeth or at the contact points between teeth. In occlusal treatment, tooth structure will be removed on the inclines of the cusps (the points you feel on the chewing surfaces of your teeth). This procedure does not in any way encourage tooth decay. In fact, the tooth structure which the dentist removes is tooth structure which should not be there.

How long will treatment take? - It is not known in advance how much time will be required to render adequate treatment. Some mouth conditions are best treated at one extended appointment. Others may require treatment to be rendered over a period of shorter appointments. After diagnosis, you can be confident that sufficient time will be appointed to render the necessary services.

Are anesthetics required? - Occlusal equilibration , as a general rule, does not require and anesthetic. However, in rare cases of extreme malocclusion or in the case of a hypersensitive tooth, a patient may request local anesthetic if there is any discomfort.

What Can I expect after treatment? - The chewing surfaces of the teeth will feel a little rough for a few days after treatment. This condition will last until chewing on these surfaces wears down and polished the last rough spots. The real advantages of this procedure do not occur until 7-10 days after treatment. In the meantime, any preoccupation with a particular tooth is normal and will disappear during this steeling period.

Will I be able to tell the difference in the way my teeth fit after treatment? - Patients who have received occlusal treatment often make remarks that they notice that their teeth hit more evenly; their teeth feel more solid. For some, it makes the felt that the once again have a complete set of teeth, thus they can chew much better. They experience a revived sense of comfort now that the teeth are in proper relation and the muscles are more relaxed. The person no longer suffers with headaches and shoulder aches and pains.

Will occlusal treatment relieve my headaches? - Chronic headache is man’s most common complaints. And even today, all the causes of headaches are not fully understood. However, we do know that many headaches are directly related to an improper bite. Many patients are suffering from headaches triggered by more than one cause. If a patient’s headache is attributed to an occlusion problem, they may expect total and complete relief. However, if there is more than one cause contributing to the headaches, the patient will feel varying degrees of improvement.

Demers Dental
706 DeMers Ave
East Grand Forks, MN 56721